Attilio Ariosti  (1666-1740)
Last updated: 02.04.23
According to The Oxford Companion to Music, Attilio Ariosti was born in Bologna and died, possibly in Spain aged about seventy-four. He was a monk who obtained dispensation from his order and devoted himself to music, occupying important positions in German and Austrian courts and visiting London, where for a time he shared with George F. Handel and Giovanni Bononcini the directorship of the Royal Academy of Music. He wrote numerous operas and some instrumental works, including a volume of solos for the viola d'amore (on instrument on which he was a fine performer), dedicated to George II.
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Recorder Sheet Music
Arias from the Operas Vespasian & Coriolanus (A)smp_unav15.gif
Publisher: Moeck Verlag (MK00542.3)