Nora Hulse
Last updated: 26.04.24
Quoting from her book Ragtime Refreshments described below, Nora Hulse is a former professor of keyboard studies at Central Methodist College, Fayette, MO, is now retired to Lake Ozark, MO where she spends her days researching, performing and recording piano rags composed by women. In her teens she was introduced to ragtime in Cripple Creek, CO, later playing at Shakey's Pizza Parlors with her husband, banjoist Mark Hulse. She now performs with a classic jazz group, "The Roundhouse Rascals" and the "Turpin Tyme Ragsters". She appears at ragtime festivals and other venues presenting women's ragtime compositions and performs monthly on KOMU-TV live show Pepper and Friends as "Missouri's Queen of Ragtime".
Contact details
url15.gif Nora Hulse Performer/publisher home page.  

     Title Author Supplier
book15.gif  book15.gif 24 Piano Rags Nora Hulse
book15.gif  book15.gif 60 Years of Ragtime Piano Nora Hulse
book15.gif  book15.gif Cakewalks, Two Steps and Rags Nora Hulse
book15.gif  book15.gif Ragtime Refreshments Nora Hulse
     Title Remarks Supplier
cd15.gif  24 Piano Rags by Women   flag15us.gif
cd15.gif  60 Years of Ragtime Piano  
cd15.gif  Cake Walks, Two Steps and Rags by Women Composers  
cd15.gif  Ragtime Refreshments  
     Composer Title Performer