Gould & Bolttler Leonard
Last updated: 20.04.24
Address: London, England

Gould & Bolttler Leonard has 5 publications posted in these webpages. They include 5 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Sunbeams and Moonbeams (1919) Percy Elliott
sm15.gif Apple Blossoms (1910c) Charles Arthur Rawlings
sm15.gif Neath Hawaiian Skies (1922) Charles Arthur Rawlings
sm15.gif Brise d'été (1908) Wilfred Sanderson
sm15.gif Chansonette (1904) Wilfred Sanderson
sm15.gif Coquette (1906) Wilfred Sanderson
sm15.gif Danse légère (1908) Wilfred Sanderson