Terry Shand 
Last updated: 20.04.24
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 16 works by Terry Shand. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
My Extraordinary Gal (w&m) 1932  wvicon.gif
I Double Dare You 1937 Jimmy Eaton (co-author)
Tommy Dorsey (perf.)
Freddy Martin (perf.)
Barry Wood (perf.)
Cry, Baby, Cry 1938 Jimmy Eaton (words)
I'm Gonna Lock My Heart (w&m) 1938 Jimmy Eaton (co-author)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Rose Marie (perf.)
Why Doesn't Somebody Tell Me These Things? 1938 Jimmy Eaton (words)
I Wanna Wrap You Up 1940 Remus A. Harris (words)
What's the Matter With Me? 1940 Al Lewis (words)
Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts 1942 Stephen Collins Foster (words)
Charles O'Flynn (words)
Dance With a Dolly 1944 Jimmy Eaton (words)
Mickey Leader (words)
Dolly Dawn (perf.)
Evelyn Knight (perf.)
Kay Kyser (perf.)
Moon Over Brooklyn (w&m) 1946 Jason Matthews (co-author)  wvicon.gif
I'm A-Whistlin' (w&m) 1947 Jack Birch (co-author)
Jimmy Eaton (co-author)
Jack Berch (perf.)
I'm Right Tonight 1947 By Dunham (words)
Dinah Shore (perf.)
I'm So Right Tonight 1947 "By" Dunham1 (words)
You Don't Have to Be a Baby to Cry 1950 Bob Merrill (words)
Chicken Song , The (w&m) 1951 Bob Merrill (co-author)
Guy Lombardo (perf.)
Downright Disgusted ? Bud Freeman (words)
Wingy Manone (words)