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Flanders & Swann: English
First: At the Drop of a Hat Prev.: At the Drop of Another Hat Return to Flanders & Swann Next: The Bestiary of Flanders and Swann Last: Transport of Delight

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Release Date:01 January, 1991

  1. Warthog (The Hog Beneath the Sea)
  2. Sea Horse
  3. Chameleon
  4. Whale (Mopy Dick)
  5. Sloth
  6. Rhinoceros
  7. Twosome: Kang & Jag (Kangaroo and Jaguar)
  8. Dead Ducks
  9. Elephant
  10. Armadillo
  11. Spider
  12. Threesome: Duck Billed Platypus/The Humming Bird/The Portuguese Man-O'-
  13. Wild Boar
  14. Ostrich
  15. Wompom
  16. Twice Shy
  17. Commonwealth Fair
  18. P**p*b****b**d******
  19. Paris
  20. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Cha Cha Cha
  21. Hundred Song
  22. Food for Thought
  23. Bed
  24. 20 Tons of TNT
  25. War of 14-18