M.D. Swisher
Last updated: 07.06.23
Address: 115 S. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

M.D. Swisher has 19 publications posted in these webpages. They include 19 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Akron Rag (1911), The Melvin Champion
sm15.gif Fatal Wedding (1893), The Gussie Lord Davis W. H Windom (words)
James Bradley (perf.)
E.V. Stoneman (perf.)
G.L. Davis (perf.)
sm15.gif Hobo Days in Georgia (1901) Ferdinand Alexander Guttenberger
sm15.gif Crazy Snake (1909) Bobby Heath Gus A. Benkhart (words)
sm15.gif Ragtime Rifles (1901) Martina Mattingly
sm15.gif Dance of the Hogan Alley Hoboes (1897) Gene Myers
sm15.gif I'm Goin' Away (1907) Frank Orth Keller Mack (words)
sm15.gif Walkin' on De Rainbow Road (1899) S.M. Roberts
sm15.gif Red Bandana (1909) Nettie M. Sheldon
sm15.gif Among the Hills of Maryland (1899) Robert Morrison Stults Grace & Frank Graham (perf.)
Frances Hartley (perf.)
sm15.gif Avenge the Good Ship Maine (1898) Robert Morrison Stults J. Aldrich Libbey (perf.)
sm15.gif M.A.C. (1897) Robert Morrison Stults
sm15.gif Smoky Sam (1898) Robert Morrison Stults
sm15.gif St. Valentine's March (1899) Robert Morrison Stults
sm15.gif Walkin' on de Rainbow Road (1899) Robert Morrison Stults
sm15.gif Atlantic City Belles (1903) John J. Thomas
sm15.gif Our President (1896) Richard L. Weaver
sm15.gif  Hot Air Rag (1900) Thomas V. White
sm15.gif Down on the Old Plantation (1899) Bayard Wilson