Al. Piantodosi & Co. Inc
Last updated: 05.08.24
Address: Piantodosi Blg. 234 W 46th St., New York, USA

Al. Piantodosi & Co. Inc has 33 publications posted in these webpages. They include 33 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Swanee Blues (1920) John Milton Delcamp Frank Goodman (words)
sm15.gif Peanuts (1911) Ethel May Earnist Midi Ragtime Recorder Ensemble (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, Moon of the Summer's Night (1918) Allan J. Flynn(w&m)
sm15.gif There's a Green Hill Out in Flanders (1917) Allan J. Flynn(w&m) Helen Moretti (perf.)
sm15.gif Here Comes America, Now (1918) Jack Glogau Ed Rose (words)
Harry Ellis (perf.)
sm15.gif I Love Her and She Loves Me (1918) Jack Glogau Harry Rose (words)
sm15.gif Picture of Dear Old Ireland (1916), A Jack Glogau Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif They Are Our Stars in Our Service Flag (1918) Jack Glogau Al Piantadosi (words)
Jack Mason (words)
sm15.gif Dancing Shadows (1927) Ernie Golden(w&m)
sm15.gif Chasin' the Blues (1920) Bud Green(w&m) Al. Bernard (co-author)
Al. Piantadosi (co-author)
sm15.gif Louisiana (1928) J.C. Johnson Bob Schafer (words)
Andy Razaf (words)
sm15.gif Mousie in the Piano (1928) Joe Keden
sm15.gif Off the Elbow (1929) Joe Keden
sm15.gif Log Cabin Lullaby (1929) Vaughn de Leath Vaughn De Leath (words)
Vaughn de Leath (perf.)
sm15.gif True Love Never Runs Smooth (1918) Oscar Lorraine Oscar Loraine (words)
sm15.gif Bring Back My Soldier Boy to Me (1918) Frank Magine Walter Hirsch (words)
sm15.gif All Aboard For Home Sweet Home (1918) Al Piantadosi Jack Glogau (co-author)
Addison Burkhardt (words)
sm15.gif  Belgium Dry Your Tears (1918) Al Piantadosi Arthur Freed (words)
sm15.gif I'm Always Watching Clouds Roll By (1910) Al Piantadosi(w&m)
sm15.gif I'm the Good Man That Was Hard to Find (1920) Al Piantadosi Bud Green (words)
sm15.gif If You Had All the World and Its Gold (1916) Al Piantadosi Bartley Costell (words)
Harry Edelheit (words)
Eva Tanguay (perf.)
Perry Como (perf.)
Manuel Romain (perf.)
sm15.gif May Heaven Bless Your Wedding Day (1917) Al Piantadosi Bartley Costello (words)
sm15.gif Someone Is Waiting For You (1917) Al Piantadosi(w&m) Shannon Quartet (perf.)
sm15.gif Tired Hands (1926) Al Piantadosi(w&m) Mildred Hunt (perf.)
sm15.gif What an Army of Men We'd Have if They Ever Drafted the Girls (1918) Al Piantadosi(w&m) Jack Glogau (co-author)
sm15.gif Wild Wild Women (1917), The Al Piantadosi Al Wilson (words)
Henry Lewis (perf.)
sm15.gif Woman Thou Gavest Me (1919), The Al Piantadosi(w&m)
sm15.gif You Mean All That and More to Me (1919) Al Piantadosi(w&m) Gloria Joy (perf.)
sm15.gif And That Ain't All (1919) Sammy H. Stept Bud Green (words)
Jack Norworth (perf.)
sm15.gif Oh, You Women (1919) Sammy H. Stept Bud Green (words)
sm15.gif We Must Have a Song to Remember (1919) Sammy H. Stept Bud Green (words)
sm15.gif Mother's Little Slumbering Doll (1919) Charles Tobias Harry Tobias (words)
sm15.gif Send Me Away With a Smile (1917) Louis Weslyn(w&m) Al. Piantadosi (co-author)
Arthur Fields (perf.)
Henry Burr (perf.)
Rita Gould (perf.)