Phil Kornheiser Inc.
Last updated: 03.09.24
Address: New York, USA

Phil Kornheiser Inc. has 12 publications posted in these webpages. They include 12 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Faithfully Yours (1931) James Brockman(w&m) Abe Lyman (co-author)
Ted Snyder (co-author)
sm15.gif Prairie Lullaby (1934) Billy Hill(w&m)
sm15.gif Mem'ries and Roses (1932) George A. Little(w&m) Larry Shay (co-author)
Jack Denny (perf.)
sm15.gif I Promise You (1931) Little Jack Little(w&m) Little Jack Little (perf.)
Morton Downey (perf.)
sm15.gif When I Wore My Daddy's Brown Derby (1931) Max Rich Harry Pease (words)
Chas O'Flynn (words)
sm15.gif Kiss by Kiss (1931) Vincent Rose Jack Meskill (words)
Raymond Klages (words)
sm15.gif Pardon Me, Pretty Baby (1931) Vincent Rose Raymond Klages (words)
Jack Meskill (words)
sm15.gif Faithfully Yours (1931) Ted Snyder(w&m) Abe Lyman (co-author)
James Brockman (co-author)
sm15.gif Hurt (1930) Harold Solomon Al Piantadosi (words)
sm15.gif Song That Broke My Heart (1932), The Mabel Wayne
sm15.gif Maybe It's the Mooon (1931) Richard A. Whiting Richard A. Whiting (words)
sm15.gif One Little Thing at a Time (1934) Joe Young(w&m) Jean Schwartz (co-author)