Globe Music Co.
Last updated: 04.08.23
Address: New York, USA

Globe Music Co. has 10 publications posted in these webpages. They include 10 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Bunny Hug Rag (1913) Kenneth V. Abendana
sm15.gif Ten Choice Negro Folk Songs (1901) Harry Dacre J Rosamond Johnson (words)
C. Smith (perf.)
sm15.gif Keep Busy (1912) Hardaway Frazer
sm15.gif Let the Flag Fly! (1917) Louis Wolfe Gilbert(w&m)
sm15.gif Granada Waltzes (1912) Samuel D. van Loan
sm15.gif Ginger (1908) Mrs Wm Neal McCoy
sm15.gif Dreamy Rag (1912) Ethel M. McKray
sm15.gif Jamestown (1907) Sidney D. Mitchell Karl G. Harig (words)
sm15.gif Sunny South Rag (1907) Clyde Spence
sm15.gif Oh That Auto Glide (1912) H.A. Thews W.J. Higgins (words)