Title (Release Year) | Composer | Performers | Issue |
Historic Records | ||||
Drifting in a Lover's Dream (1933) | H. Leslie | Herald Goodman Curt Poulton Dean Upson |
Victor: BS-77234 | |
Our Yesterdays (1919) | H. Leslie | Elsie West Baker | Victor: B-22889 | |
Our Yesterdays (1919) | H. Leslie | Barbara Maurel | Columbia: 78413 |
Title | Attribution | Instruments | Source | Remarks |
Cows Are in the Corn (1878) | H. Leslie (music) R. W. Gilder (words) |
Piano, Voice | Indiana |
Title | Year | Attribution | Remarks |
Cows Are in the Corn | 1878 | R. W. Gilder (words) | |
Yearnings | 1879 | V (words) | |
Our Yesterdays | 1918 | Francis Lake (words) Elsie West Baker (perf.) Barbara Maurel (perf.) |
Drifting in a Lover's Dream | 1933 | Herbert Leslie (words) Herald Goodman (perf.) Curt Poulton (perf.) Dean Upson (perf.) |