Karl K. King  (1891-1972)
Last updated: 01.09.24
     Performer CD Title Supplier
Brass Music CDs:
cd15.gif Grimethorpe Colliery RJB Band Grimethorpe Colliery Band CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif South Shore Circus Concert Band Sounds of the Circus - Volume 19 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif South Shore Circus Concert Band Sounds of the Circus - Volume 22 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif South Shore Circus Concert Band Sounds of the Circus - Volume 24 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif South Shore Circus Concert Band Sounds of the Circus - Volume 25 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif South Shore Circus Concert Band Sounds of the Circus - Volume 26 CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
Jazz Music CDs:
cd15.gif Thomas Waller The Best of the War Years CD(s) & MP3 Album(s) flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
Ragtime Music CDs:
cd15.gif Various Artists Thatsum Rag! flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif
cd15.gif Matthew Davidson Graceful Ghost flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif Matthew Davidson Voodoo Queen: Piano Rags, Jazz and Blues flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif
cd15.gif  Symphonic Winds Ragging the Baby to Sleep flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15es.gif
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Don Ceazar (1914) K.K. King (music) Orchestra IMSLP
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 297 works by Karl K. King (1891-1972). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Canton Aero Club 1909
Carrollton 1909
Celestial Choir 1909
Greater Canton 1909
Moonlight on the Nile 1909
Salute to Camp Harrison 1909
Sons of Veterans 1909
T.M.B. Thayer Military Band 1909
Venetian Beauties 1909
American Beauty 1910
Avenger, The 1910
Conqueror, The 1910
Dance of the Imps 1910
Desdemona 1910
Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 1910
Emblem of Freedom 1910
Evening Shadows 1910  wvicon.gif
Excelsior 1910
Gateway City 1910
Joy Riders 1910
Love's Way 1910
Loyal Americans 1910
Melody Shop 1910
Military Life 1910
My Lady 1910
Over the Stars 1910
Ponderoso 1910
Rifle Rangers 1910
Roll of Honor 1910
Siren 1910
Southern Roses 1910
Triumph 1910
Victor, The 1910
Water Lilies 1910
Westlawn Dirge 1910
Amorita Waltz 1911
Arabian Sentinel 1911
Aviation Tournament 1911
Chancellor, The 1911
Eternal Youth 1911
Imperial 1911
International Peace 1911
Iron Count, The 1911
Neddermeyer Triumphal 1911
Robinson's Grand Entree 1911
Viking, The 1911
Wanderlust 1911
Woody Vans 1911
Apollo 1912
Belle Isle 1912
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Centaur 1912
Columbian 1912
Fidelity 1912
Fond Hearts 1912
Friendship Mazurka 1912
Garland Entree 1912
Homestretch 1912
In the Twilight 1912
Loyalty 1912
Mooning Serenade 1912
Morning Tears 1912
Night in June, A 1912
Premier, The 1912
Princess of India 1912
Remembrance 1912
Roses and Orchids 1912
Royal Emblem 1912
Royal Hussars 1912
Royalist, The 1912
Salute to the Sultan 1912
Spirit of Springtime 1912
Wild Rose 1912
Barnum and Bailey's Favorite 1913
Defending Circle 1913
Emporia 1913
Forest City Commandery 1913
Howdy Pap 1913
Indiana, Our Indiana 1913
Mystic Call 1913
Ragged Rosey 1913
Sunshine 1913
Alcazar 1914
Baronet, The 1914
Discriminator 1914
Don Ceazar 1914
Eventide 1914
Georgia Girl 1914
Gypsy Queen 1914
Knight Errant 1914
Mercury 1914
Niagara Maid 1914
Nightfall 1914
On a Summer's Eve 1914
Pride of Arizona 1914
Royal Palm 1914
Sells Floto Triumphal 1914
Solitude 1914
Troubador 1914
Wood-Nymphs Polka 1914
Wyoming Days 1914
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Arabian Nights 1915
Autumn Flowers 1915
Bon Voyage 1915
Invincible (Overture) 1915
On the Warpath 1915
Plucking Roses 1915
Prince Charming 1915
Walsenburg Galop 1915
Alpine Sunset 1916
Altar of Genius 1916
Diplomacy 1916
Gallant Zouaves 1916
Huntress, The 1916
Indian Serenade 1916
Majestic Overture 1916
Passing of the Red Man 1916
Persian Moonlight 1916
Chevalier, The 1917
Eclipse 1917
Golden Dragon, The 1917
In Old Portugal 1917
Sir Galahad 1917
Sir Henry 1917
Spanish Romance 1917
High Private, The 1918
Majestic Galop 1918
Sarasota 1918
Vanguard of Democracy 1918
Broadway One Step 1919
Enchanted Nights 1919
Fame and Fortune 1919
Kentucky Sunrise 1919
Ohio Division 1919
Royal Scotch Highlanders 1919
Ung-Kung-Foy-Yah 1919
Walking Frog, The 1919
Abdallah 1920
Autumn Romance, An 1920
Hosts of Freedom 1920
Tuscarawas 1920
Attorney-General 1921
Cle Elum Eagles 1921
Cruiser Omaha 1921
Cyrus the Great 1921
Flying Squadron, The 1921
Hawkeye Fair 1921
Invictus 1921
Invincible 1921
June Twilight 1921
Monte Carlo 1921
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Silver Fountain, The 1921
Fete Triumphal 1923
Glory of Egypt 1923
In Old Pekin 1923
Iowa Band Law, The 1923
Mckinley's Own 1923
Mournful Maggie 1923
New Corn Palace 1923
Octopus and the Mermaid 1923
Spirit of Minstrelsy 1923
Vindication 1923
Vision of Cleopatra 1923
Wings of the Army 1923
Yellowstone Trail 1923
Fountain of Youth 1924
In a Moonlit Garden 1924
Three Musketeers, The 1924
Twilight 1924
Caravan Club 1925
Lover's Lane 1925
Masquerader, The 1925
Mountain Trails 1925
Step-On-It 1925
Trouping Days 1925
True Blue 1925
Valiant Youth 1925
Alhambra Grotto 1926
Atta Boy 1926
Cardiff Giant 1926
Kentucky Derby 1926
New Madison Square 1926
Wanderer, The 1926
Bolivar 1927
Lone Crusader, The 1927
Missouri Bandman 1927
Monahan Post 1927
Samson 1927
Sunny Spain 1927
Whippet Race, The 1927
140th Infantry 1928
Magic Garden, The 1928
Nazir Grotto 1928
Pride of the Illini 1928
Royal Hippodrome 1928
147th Field Artillery 1929
Franklin Post 1929
Kansas Bandman 1929
Our Heritage 1929
Pageantry 1929
Goldman Band 1930
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Youth and Progress 1930
Arkansas School Bands 1931
Dreamy Dawn 1931
International Favorites 1931
Mystic Night 1931
National Glory 1931
Prestissimo 1931
University of Idaho 1931
Morning Glory 1932
South Dakota State College 1932
Purple Pageant, The 1933
Big Cage, The 1934
Desert Patrol, The 1934
Lieutenant Commander, The 1934
German Melodies 1935
University of North Dakota 1935
Brigadier General, The 1936
Drake Relays 1936
Herald of Progress 1936
University of Chicago 1936
Wisconsin's Pride 1937
Hawkeye Glory 1938
Michigan on Parade 1938
Old Vienna 1938
War March of the Tartars 1938
Mighty Minnesota 1939
King Henry 1941
Melody a La King 1941
Omar Khayyam 1941
Aces of the Air 1942
Bombardier 1942
Burma Patrol 1942
Call to Victory 1942
Coast Guards 1942
Coeds on Parade 1942
Flying Cadets 1942
Gallant Marines 1942
Liberty Fleet 1942
Night Flight 1942
Pan-American 1942
Phillipian Festival 1942
Pursuit Squadron 1942
Sky-Ranger 1942
Thumbs Up U.S.A 1942
Torch of Liberty 1942
Untied Nations 1942
Alamo 1943
Algeria 1943
Argonne 1943
Bunker Hill 1943
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Chateau Thierry 1943
Custer's Cavalry 1943
General Grant 1943
General Lee 1943
Henderson Field 1943
Lexington 1943
Manila Bay 1943
Monterey 1943
Moonlight Melody, A 1943
Rough Riders 1943
Saint Mihiel 1943
Santiago 1943
Valley Forge 1943
Auld Lang Syne 1944
Circus Days 1944
Voyager, The 1944
Trombone King, The 1945
Iowa Centenial 1946
Ohio Special, The 1946
Golden Days 1951
Lsu Tiger Triumph 1952
Men of Music 1952
American Way, The 1955
Big Four 1955
Peace Jubilee 1955
Peacemaker 1955
Allied Honor 1956
Bonds of Unity 1956
Free World 1956
Freedom City 1956
Glorious America 1956
March of Freedom 1956
Miss Liberty 1956
New Frontiers 1956
Voice of America 1956
We Stand United 1956
Wings For Peace 1956
Black and Gold 1959
Center Ring, The 1961
Diamond Jubilee 1961
Hometown Boy, The 1962
Antoinette Waltz ?
Ariel Waltz Medley ?
Debutante ?
Our Last Farewell ?
Rippling Waves ?
Venus ?