John Hilton  (1560-1608)
Last updated: 02.04.23
According to The New Penguin Dictionary of Music, John Hilton was an English organist (of Trinity College, Cambridge) and composer of anthems, madrigals, etc. Contributor to "The Triumph of Oriana". Probably father of John Hilton who was born in 1599.
Recorder Sheet Music
Prelude and 5 Fantasies (Chamber work with D/D/A(B))smp_logo_88_white.gif
For 2 violin, viola (3 violin;SSA (SSB) recorder;3 guitar).
Arr./Editor: Moenkemeyer
Publisher: Heinrichshoven's Verlag (N01022)
If it be love (T/T/B)smp_unav15.gif
Publisher: Loux Music Publishing Co. (LMP0004)
If it be love (D/D/A)smp_unav15.gif
Arr./Editor: Fredrick Stoufer
Publisher: Classic Artists Publishing (CMS125)
My Mistress Frowns (D(T)/D(T)/A(B))smp_unav15.gif
Arr./Editor: Fredrick Stoufer.
Publisher: Classic Artists Publishing (CMS123)
Tricinia from John Hilton's Ayres or Fa La's (D/D/A)smp_unav15.gif
Publisher: Moeck Verlag (MK00087)
You lovers that have loves astray (D/D/A)smp_unav15.gif
Arr./Editor: Fredrick Stoufer
Publisher: Classic Artists Publishing (CMS119)