Gene Austin  (1900-1972)
Last updated: 09.01.25
url15.gif Gene Austin Biography by  
url15.gif  DAHR: Gene Austin List of 264 historic recordings from 1924 to 1949.
Gene Austin  (1900-1972) has at least 1 item(s) at the Amazons which you can order on-line by clicking the item's order icon.
b001is9awm_m.jpgMy Melancholy Baby
Music by: Ernie Burnett.
Words by: Geo. A. Norton
Performed by: Gene Austin
Publisher: Joe Morris Music Company
Suppliers: flag15us.gif
Printed: 1927. Sheet Music. Limited Availability.
Gene Austin on Cover
  Title Co-Author(s) Sequencer
audiomidi15.gif Charleston Charley (1924) Emmet O'Hara
Irving Mills
James Pitt-Payne
audiomidi15.gif How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (1924) Roy Bergere Denese Coulbeck
  Title (Release Year) Composer Performers Issue
record15.gif How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (1924) G. Austin Marjorie Royce OKeh: S-72420
     Title Attribution Instruments Source Remarks
pdf15.gif Charleston Charley (1924) G. Austin (music)
Emmet O'Hara (coauth.)
Irving Mills (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
pdf15.gif How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (1924) G. Austin (w&m)
Roy Bergere (coauth.)
Piano, Voice Sheet Music Singer wvicon.gif
  As performer        
pdf15.gif St. Louis Blues (1914) W.C. Handy (w&m)
G. Austin (perf.)
Piano Indiana wvicon.gif
The peformer is featured on 18 sheet music/recording covers. It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: (w&m) ER
     Title Composer Attribution Remarks
perf15.jpg Carolina Moon (1928) Joseph A. Burke Benny Davis (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg Dream Mother (1929) Joseph A. Burke Al Lewis (words)
Al Sherman (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
George Olsen (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Melancholy Baby (1911) Ernie Burnett George A. Norton (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
Rena Santos (perf.)
perf15.jpg She's Funny That Way (1928) Charles Neil Daniels Richard A. Whiting (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg Carolina Moon (1928) Benny Davis(w&m) Joe Burke (co-author)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Blue Heaven (1927) Walter Donaldson George Whiting (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
Eddie Dunstedter (perf.)
Jack Osterman (perf.)
perf15.jpg St. Louis Blues (1914) William C. Handy(w&m) Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg When My Sugar Walks Down the Street (1924) James Francis McHugh Gene Austin (words)
Irving Mills (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
Aileen Stanley (perf.)
perf15.jpg Honest and Truly (1924) Fred Rose(w&m) Leo Wood (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg So Tired (1927) Arthur Lynn Sizemore George A Little (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg  Some Day (1926) Larry Spier William C. Polla (co-author)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg Don't Let This Waltz Mean Good-Bye (1934) Albert von Tilzer Jack Meskill (words)
Gus Arnheim (perf.)
Gene Austin (perf.)
Phil Baker (perf.)
Downey Sisters (perf.)
Ruth Etting (perf.)
June Knight (perf.)
Edmund Lowe (perf.)
Miller & Harling Walker (perf.)
Victor Moore (perf.)
Wini Shaw (perf.)
Gloria Stuart (perf.)
Ethel Waters (perf.)
Alice White (perf.)
perf15.jpg Maybe, Who Knows? (1929) Johnny Tucker Joe Schuster (co-author)
Ruth Etting (co-author)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg After My Laughter Came Tears (1928) Roy Turk(w&m) Charles Tobias (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg My Fate Is in Your Hands (1929) Thomas Waller Andy Razaf (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg Then Came the Dawn (1928) Harry Warren Al Dubin (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg Voice in the Old Village Choir (1932), The Harry Woods Gus Kahn (words)
Gene Austin (perf.)
perf15.jpg We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye (1932) Harry Woods(w&m) Gene Austin (perf.)
This list is arranged in chronological order and contains 6 works by Gene Austin (1900-1972). It does not claim to be complete and represents only the number of items located. Keys: pdf15.gif (w&m)
Title Year Attribution Remarks
Charleston Charley 1924 Emmet O'Hara (co-author)
Irving Mills (co-author)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg 
How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (w&m) 1924 Roy Bergere (co-author)
Marjorie Royce (perf.)
 wvicon.gif pdf15.gif youtube15.jpg  record15.gif
When My Sugar Walks Down the Street 1924 Jimmy McHugh (co-author)
Irving Mills (co-author)
Frances Williams (perf.)
Abie's Irish Nose (w&m) 1925
Please Come Back to Me 1929 Eugene West (words)
Arr.:N Kalana;
Ridin' Around in the Rain (w&m) 1934 Carmen Lombardo (co-author)  wvicon.gif
     Composer Title Performer
youtube15.jpg G. Austin Charleston Charley (2:34) Ragtime Dorian Henry
youtube15.jpg G. Austin How Come You Do Me Like You Do? (2:42) Marjorie Royce