Good Beer Guide 2004
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: 2003 Author: Roger Protz
Publisher: Campaign For Real Ale ISBN: 1852491868
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif    

Paperback, 800 pages, 19 September, 2003, usually ships in 1-2 days.
Amazon Review
Britain’s best-selling annual pub guide, provides full details the outstanding pubs serving real ale in the UK.
The beer lovers’ bible includes information about pubs in villages, towns and cities throughout the country and, to help you track them down, it also provides location maps, public transport information and telephone numbers. CAMRA members check the pubs listed in the guide many times throughout the year and tell you exactly what each pub is like in this unique guide.
One of the Guardian's Books of the Year 2002
'CAMRA’s defence of time-consuming, careful, small-scale methods of beer production is in perfect tune with the organic and real food movements.' -- David Horspool reviewing the 2003 Guide in the Guardian.

About the Author
Award-winning beer writer and broadcaster Roger Protz contributes regularly to The Guardian and Observer and is a regular broadcaster on beer matters. He is the Editor of the CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide – one of The Guardian’s books of the year 2002. In 1997 he became the only the third beer writer to win the Glennfiddich Drink Writer of the Year award, and in the same year won the Gold Tankard at the British Guild of Beer Writers.