Gabriel Faure : A Musical Life
Last updated: 17.12.19
Printed: 1991 Author: Jean-Michel Nectoux
Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0521235243
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Hardcover - 646 pages (April 1991), usually ships within 2-3 days.
Amazon Review
Reviewer: Desiree Borg Burmeister from Aalborg, Denmark
When you read the book Gabriel Faure : a musical life you really get around the subject in every possible way. Not only is it obvious why Jean-Michel Nectoux is seen as the number one pro on the area, you also get the impression that he is quite capable in handling the subject in both a historic and musicologic manner. The book is highly recommentable. Also for foreign students who wish to approach the life and music of the wonderfull composer Gabriel Fauré without having to many problems with the english language. Desirée Burmeister. ( 3rd year student of the music institute, Aalborg, Denmark )