Title (Release Year) | Composer | Performers | Issue |
Historic Records | ||||
Just Chatter (1919) | F. Duprez | F. Duprez Maisie Gay |
Columbia: 76275 | |
I'm Going Home (1918) | S. Romberg | Maisie Gay | Columbia: 76238 | |
Military Stamp, The (1918) | S. Romberg | Maisie Gay Billy Leonard |
Columbia: 76237 | |
Soldier Boy (1918) | S. Romberg | F. Duprez Maisie Gay |
Columbia: 76274 |
Title | Composer | Attribution | Items |
Just Chatter (1919) | Fred Duprez(w&m) | Fred Duprez (perf.) Maisie Gay (perf.) |
Military Stamp (1918), The | Sigmund Romberg | Maisie Gay (perf.) Billy Leonard (perf.) |
I'm Going Home (1918) | Sigmund Romberg | Maisie Gay (perf.) |
Soldier Boy (1918) | Sigmund Romberg | Fred Duprez (perf.) Maisie Gay (perf.) |