Buckeye Music Pub. Co.
Last updated: 22.04.24
Address: Columbus, Ohio, USA

Buckeye Music Pub. Co. has 12 publications posted in these webpages. They include 1 item of piano sheet music at the Amazons and 11 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Author Supplier
Piano Sheet Music:
sm15.gif Come In the Garden Dear B. Bellin flag15us.gif
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Come In the Garden Dear (1916) Betty Bellin(w&m) Haven Gillespie (co-author)
Charles Roy Cox (co-author)
sm15.gif Sailing Home (1917) Ernie Burnett Treve Collins Jr. (words)
The Dunigans (perf.)
sm15.gif Centennial Rag (1912) Charles Roy Cox
sm15.gif Berenice - Op. 5 (1915) Reuben J. Haskin
sm15.gif By the Bright White Light of the Moon (1914) Reuben J. Haskin Beth Slater Whitson (words)
sm15.gif I Need You As Father Needed Mother (1914) Reuben J. Haskin
sm15.gif Pianophiend (1914) Reuben J. Haskin
sm15.gif There's a Lone Lone Star in the Lone Star State (1915) Reuben J. Haskin
sm15.gif You'll Always Find a Welcome in Dixieland (1918) Reuben J. Haskin Charles Roy Cox (words)
sm15.gif Silk Hose Rag (1916) Omar L. Sims
sm15.gif Midnight Blues (1920) Leroy Robert White(w&m)