Anglo-American Music Publ. Co.
Last updated: 04.07.22
Address: 566 George Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Anglo-American Music Publishing Co. has 14 publications posted in these webpages. They include 14 items of sheet music in the Lists of Works (Werkverzeichnisse).
     Title Music Attribution
sm15.gif Barcarolle (1919), A Jack Godfrey
sm15.gif Black and White (1919) Jack Godfrey
sm15.gif Budgery Feller (1914-18) Jack Godfrey
sm15.gif Dad and Me (1895) Felix McGlennon William Henry Gardner (words)
O. Bonnell (words)
sm15.gif Don't Listen (1895) Felix McGlennon Peter Conroy, arranger. (words)
sm15.gif I Only Know I Loved Her (1895) Felix McGlennon Charles Page (words)
Anna Sheehan (words)
sm15.gif I'll Be Constant and True (1895) Felix McGlennon W A Archbold (words)
Charles Page (words)
sm15.gif Jenny and I (1895) Felix McGlennon Charles Page (words)
sm15.gif Poor Miss Brown (1892) Felix McGlennon F.W. Leigh (words)
sm15.gif Sixty Was the Number (1895) Felix McGlennon A. Hall (words)
Mate Chesney (words)
Jennie Belle (perf.)
sm15.gif They Were All There (1895) Felix McGlennon Pastor Eldridge (words)
A. Hall (words)
sm15.gif Tokens From Home (1895) Felix McGlennon A. Hall (words)
Mate Chesney (words)
Jennie Belle (perf.)
sm15.gif E'er Dawns Another Day (191-) Herbert De Pinna(w&m)
sm15.gif Bubbles (1919) Arthur W. Rooney