Sea Songs Ships and Shanties
Last updated: 18.04.20
Printed: 1912 Author: W.B. Whall
Publisher: James Brown & Son ISBN: 0851741819
Suppliers: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15it.gif flag15es.gif    

Hardcover (December 1986)
54 sea songs, many illustrations of ships and anecdotes. Songs harmonised by R.H. Whall, illustrations by Veronica Whall
Personal remarks:
This scarce book by Master Mariner W.B. Whall is much treasured for its authority, clear and well illustrated songs, the various anecdotes on famous sailing ships and above all, for its thundering introduction. It is much quoted both by Roy Palmer and Cyril Tawney in their The Oxford Book of Sea Songs and Grey Funnel Lines respectively. This particular copy although with badly soiled front cover is in pretty good nick and has probably spent a fair time at sea which would surely have pleased the author, a real gloom-and-doomer if ever there was one, now reposing in The Davey Jones Hotel. It has received good treatment and will continue to do so in my hands before being passed on to one who has been to sea and a lover of sea songs. This is the source for: