Early Italian Recorder Music/English Consort Music
Last updated: 22.11.22
CD(s) [Amazon: flag15us.gif flag15uk.gif flag15de.gif flag15fr.gif flag15ca.gif flag15es.gif ]
Label: Brilliant Classics
Release Date: 04 April, 2006
CD 1
  1. Sonata a 4 by Giovanni Battista Riccio
  2. Sonata 15 by Dario Castello
  3. Canzona II a 8 by Giovanni B. Grillo
  4. Canzon seconda by Giovanni Gabrieli
  5. Capriccio (di obligo di cantare) by Girolamo Frescobaldi
  6. Canzon 19 a 8 by Giovanni Picchi
  7. Capriccio (sopra la bassa fiamenga) by Girolamo Frescobaldi
  8. Girometta a 8 by Costanzo Porta
  9. Sonata 16 by Dario Castello
  10. Canzona franzesa settima cromatica by Giovani Maria Trabaci
  11. Canzon 25 a 8 by Giuseppe Guami
  12. Ricercar del terzo tuono by G. P. da Palestrina
  13. Canzone II a 8 by Giovanni Gabrieli
  14. Canzona la Merula by Tarquinio Merula
  15. Canzon prima 'La Spiritata' by Giovanni Gabrieli
    Viola da gamba consort (Philippe Pierlot, Piet Stryckers, Kaori Uemura, Sophie Watillon) - Harpsichord (Guy Penson) - Tenor (Guy de Mey)
CD 2: Performed by Marion Verbruggen and Flanders Recorder Quartet (with Geert van Gele)
  1. Browning a 5, for instrumental consort by William Byrd
  2. In Nomine a 5 ("Reporte") by Christopher Tye
  3. In Nomine a 5 ("Crye") by Christopher Tye
  4. In Nomine a 5 ("Re la re") by Christopher Tye
  5. Browning my dere (on the theme The Leaves be Green) by Henry Stonings
  6. In Nomine a 4, for instrumental consort, No. 1 by William Byrd
  7. In Nomine a 5, for instrumental consort, No. 4 by William Byrd
  8. Browning My Dere, for 5 recorders by Clement Woodcocke
  9. Lachrimea Antiquae by John Dowland
  10. Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall, for lute by John Dowland
  11. The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, His Galliard, P42a by John Dowland
  12. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens for lute, P9 by John Dowland
  13. King of Denmark His Galliard for lute, P40 by John Dowland
  14. A Browninge of 3 voc. by John Baldwyn
  15. Proporcions to the minum by John Baldwine
  16. Coockow as I me walked by John Baldwine
  17. Sit Fast a 3 by Christopher Tye
  18. Browning a 3 by Elway Bevin
  19. Fantasia by John Ward
  20. Fantasia by Richard Dering
  21. Fantasia by John Okeover
  22. Canzon by Thomas Simpson